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5 Network Security Tips Every Business Needs to Know

5 Network Security Tips Every Business Needs to Know

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5 Network Security Tips

Network Security is any activity that pertains to the prevention and monitoring of unauthorized data in a computer network. Lack of network protection can have devastating effects such as theft of sensitive information, loss of funds, breach of private communication or failure of an entire system e.g. electric grid.

Employee Awareness

Employee awareness is the first step in Network monitoring. Employees should be educated on and trained in various network security measures and their value. They should first know how not to and what does infect their computers. Most importantly, employees should be encouraged to speak to the appropriate parties in case of unusual activity on their machines. Employees should always keep in mind that the device they use and the location they use it at, could always provide some risk to the network.

Regular back-ups of your servers

In most cases, backed up data is the final line of defense in the event of a security breach of your network. There are many backup options such as external disks or online server backups in case of hardware or software damage respectively. Data can also be backed up by a hybrid cloud network where a cloud provider stores data. Data backup ensures a business can minimize the damage once it is already done. Encryption should be done on sensitive material, and backup date should be made readily retrievable by the firm.

Strong Passwords

Probably the most underestimated measure when it comes to network security is the use of solid passwords. Though a simple password is easy to remember and may be less troublesome, it is equivalent to having a paper wall. A secure password can be a more formidable line of defense. Employees should be advised to devise long passwords with different characters and symbols for maximum protection.

Up to date security systems

Software is currently one of the fastest changing industries in the world. Being out of date can prove costly. A business’ IT department should always stay aware of new developments through quality sources. Consultations with security experts should be encouraged for more specialized expertise. New measures such as offsite hybrid cloud network backup should be tested and adopted as soon as possible.

Limit Access Control

The fewer people can access a network, the less prone you are to attack. Access control can be restricted by location, or they can be limited by computer and data. All access control is useful and while prove helpful in your business’ network security.

Security of data, system or network, could be the difference in the long-term success of your business. It may appear to cost much now or be too much of a hassle, but you will appreciate it in the long run.

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Tammy Nyman
Tammy Nyman
EVP & Managed IT Services Expert
For more information call us at: (905) 307-4357 or fill out our contact form and we’ll reach out to you.

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