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Cloud Computing Trends in 2022

Cloud Computing Trends in 2022

This entry was posted on by Pavel Odnoletkov.
Businessman working with a Cloud Computing diagram

One of the unanticipated results of the Covid-19 pandemic was the rapid increase in the use of cloud computing. As more people worked from home and digital services became even more important in the delivery of business functions, the dependency on cloud computing grew. Wireless technology has also improved which has resulted in new cloud environments and reduced costs. This has also helped the cloud computing industry grow. So what does the future hold for this ever expanding area of computing? Here’s a look at some of the cloud computing trends in 2022.

Reduced Carbon Footprints

As more businesses migrate to the cloud, their reliance on energy intensive server centres and hardware farms is greatly lowered. This has led to a reduction in the carbon footprints left behind by businesses that have transitioned from hardware to virtual computing components. That said, even the cloud computing service providers are working to reduce their carbon footprints by sourcing renewable energy and financing large scale sustainable energy projects. Amazon, the world’s largest cloud service provider, finances sustainable energy projects that create 8.5 gigawatts per year – enough to power more than 6 million homes. It appears the cloud computing trend of carbon reduction will continue in 2022.

Faster Networks

Cloud computing is responsible for delivering virtually all of the digital services that we use every day – including streaming services, social media and the internet of things. Because of the amount of money that’s being poured into cloud computing services, the networks which transmit data are being developed faster than ever. While we’re all likely familiar with the current transition from 4G to 5G cellular services, there’s already work underway on 6G mobile operations and faster, stronger iterations of wifi as well. Improvements in cloud computing will allow for new types of data streams and improvements in technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, cloud gaming services and communications.

Serverless Clouds

Serverless clouds refer to a cloud computing model where all backend functions are managed by the cloud service provider which frees up developers to concentrate on front-end applications. Serverless clouds allow quick and easy scaling depending on the immediate needs of an application. This allows users of cloud computing services to pay only for what’s being used rather than paying for unused bandwidth. What this does is free up customer resources which, in the past, have been required to manage backend infrastructure and operations. While serverless was the exclusive domain of Amazon Web Services starting in 2014, serverless platforms are now the norm among the largest cloud computing service providers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI requires incredible amounts of bandwidth and processing power that can be unwieldy in physical computer hardware systems. Cloud computing provides the necessary infrastructure resources for AI applications in a way that physical hardware is unable to do efficiently. As AI evolves and grows, cloud computing will act as the processor and pipeline to transform and deliver these massive amounts of data. AI and cloud computing have evolved together and this will only trend further as 2022 rolls on.

Hybrid Cloud Computing

Hybrid cloud computing refers to mixing the use of public and private clouds. In the past, businesses would typically need to choose between public or private clouds depending on their needs and budget. Nowadays, it’s becoming more common for a single business to use both types of clouds for different functions. The result is often a simplified user experience and lowered costs.

To learn more about how MBC’s Cloud Services can support your business, get a free assessment today.

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Pavel Odnoletkov
Pavel Odnoletkov
Head of Marketing at MBC Managed IT Services
With more than 20 years of experience, Pavel leads MBC’s marketing efforts.
For more information call us at: (905) 307-4357 or fill out our contact form and we’ll reach out to you.

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