IT Maturity is a company’s ability to stick to IT best practices. This, in turn, allows the companies to reap the most benefit from their IT initiatives. The performance on the IT team closely resembles the company’s operation methods and in the best case scenario, should include standardization, documentation and forward-looking strategy. This could also be achieved with a Managed IT services partner such as MBC. When IT is neglected and treated as an afterthought, it not only has little organization benefit but can also pose as a risk.
Have a look at the breakdown of the IT maturity levels to see where your company might fit.
At this level, a company is not fully aware of their current IT environment, the current needs and risks. Attention is paid Ad-Hoc when there is a situation that prevents work from taking on its natural flow. Only urgent matters get attention and possibly by different vendors. Hours are often spent paying for network failure, device failure, security breaches and data loss.
Some thought was invested in IT needs and a reactionary Break and Fix philosophy is applied. IT Management is taken care of by pre-purchased IT hours from an MSP or by-the-hour work from a designated IT Provider for case of breaks, system failures, data breaches, etc.
A designated MSP or Internal IT Team proactively monitors and manages the IT environment being able to predict a problem before it becomes one. Issues are dealt with on a priority base to help mitigate downtime risk by avoiding breaks, system failure and breaches and the cost of downtime.
IT is considered as a whole, and IT management takes care that everything is set up and running in a manner where there is less room for error, breaks or breaches. Monitoring and prioritizing is part of the system where all IT Management Best Practices are applied across the board.
Having your IT Management Company as your business partner is the highest level of services you can reach. Not only is the IT Management company an integral part of your daily IT management routine, but there is also long term planning, road-mapping and future proof solutions allowing your business to grow safely and prosperously.
If you are concerned that your IT Maturity doesn’t meet your business needs, request a free assessment.
Phone: (905) 307-4357 |